A new study indicates that low levels of vitamin C in the bloodstream may be an underlying cause of bleeding gums.

Researchers say brushing and flossing might not be enough to reverse this oral health issue.

When gums bleed, it is often a symptom of underlying oral health issues, such as gingivitis or periodontal disease. Trusted Source, an inflammatory condition that affects gum tissue and teeth.

In the early stages of gingivitis, gums may swell and bleed. If left untreated, these symptoms can worsen, causing the gums to pull away from the teeth, resulting in tooth and bone loss.

Traditional treatments for bleeding gums include adding more brushing and flossing to the daily oral hygiene regimen and treating underlying conditions that may contribute to the development of gingivitis.

Disorders linked to an increased risk of gingivitis include diabetes and immune deficiencies. Lifestyle choices, such as smoking, may also play a role.

However, new research found that, although brushing and flossing are critical for overall oral health, lack of adequate vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, may be an underlying cause of bleeding gums. Researchers from the University of Washington, WA, recently published their results in the journal Nutrition Reviews.

The role of vitamin C in oral health

Study authors reviewed data from 15 clinical trials in six countries, with 1,140 mostly healthy participants. They also analyzed National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data from 8,210 individuals in the United States who had experienced some degree of eye-related hemorrhaging, or bleeding.

The researchers found that participants with low levels of vitamin C in their bloodstream were more likely to have gums that bled upon gentle probing, the tendency for bleeding gums, and a higher rate of bleeding in the eye known as retinal hemorrhaging.

Interestingly, the study authors found that increasing vitamin C intake in participants with low vitamin C plasma levels helped stop their gums from bleeding and reversed eye-related bleeding issues.

Prof. Philippe Hujoel, the study’s lead author and adjunct professor of oral health sciences at the University of Washington School of Dentistry, says the study results are significant, because the tendency for bleeding gums and retinal hemorrhaging could indicate an issue with the microvascular system.

This system encompasses the tiny blood vessels in the body, including the brain, heart, and kidneys. Results suggest that assessing vitamin C plasma levels and rectifying any deficiencies could reverse micro bleeding issues throughout the body.

However, Prof. Hujoel emphasizes that the study findings do not indicate a direct relationship between increasing vitamin C levels and preventing strokes or other microvascular-related conditions.

Instead, the results suggest that current daily vitamin C recommendations are designed to protect against scurvy and may be inadequate to prevent bleeding gums and other related microvascular issues. The data also indicate that although treating bleeding gums by increasing tooth brushing and flossing is good practice, these actions may not get to the root of the problem.

Prof. Hujoel explains:

“When you see your gums bleed, the first thing you should think about is not, I should brush more. You should try to figure out why your gums are bleeding. And vitamin C deficiency is one possible reason.”

Previous research has also touched on vitamin C and its connection to bleeding gums.

Article from Medical News Today
Written by: Kimberly Drake
Fact Checked by Jessica Beake, Ph.D.